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What is "Empowered Service"?

So often 'service' is thought of as the actions and relationship that continues after the sale, the work done to retain customers and mediate conflicts that arise from their experiences with your company.  We refer to the fundamental definition of service and apply it to every role within an organization.  Leadership is in service to their teams. Sales professionals are in service to consumers who are looking for the right fit for their needs, while customer service professionals are in service to the existing book of business.  


"Service: the action of helping or doing work for someone"


Every person on your team is equally in service to themselves as they grow and develop as individuals and as colleagues. Here we have identified the most prevalent gap in support for customer service professionals: managing the personal growth required to remain dedicated to roles tasked with holding space for customers.  Holding space refers to the time and commitment required to remain open and receptive to customers struggling with some aspect of your business.


The most common response we get to the question "what brought you into your industry?" is "I want to help people."  Yet, own desire to help others often diminishes when faced with the realities of caring for complete strangers. Empowered Service was born out of a desire to help professionals align this incredible aspiration to help others with the rigor of day-to-day life serving consumers.


Customer service is defined as "the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services".  There is no delineation between sales and service in this definition, those roles are equally important and both demand skills of listening, mediation, understanding, and intention.  We further define Empowered Service as the skill to recognize oneself as a valuable part of a system designed to care for customers, oneself and colleagues, all working towards a common purpose. 


"Empowered Service is the skill to recognize oneself as a valuable part of a system designed to care for customers, oneself, and colleagues, all working together towards a common purpose" 


It is an approach to customer service that invites professionals to identify what drives them, connect with others in a way that supports their shared interests and personal growth, and expands their perspectives on what it means to be in service to others.


Empowered Service is creating a community of professionals who stand by what they do, not just because it provides a paycheck, but because they are creating the world they want to see in the way they serve others.  We empower ourselves and others to explore new perspectives, engage in meaningful conversations, and challenge old habits with courage and tenacity.  


We are paving the way for a new generation of customer service professionals committed to bettering themselves while bettering the lives of others.

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